As infrastructures have continued to advance in more linear and dynamic ways, many still look to prioritize a specific design compared to simpler times. One such artist (if you could call him that) is Peter Zumthor who designed the thermal baths in a very peculiar yet stunning manner. It truly is mind boggling as to how some individuals manage such a build.

One thing is undeniable however, and that is the stability needed to keep such structures afloat. For example, Georges Pompidou Centre, although it's appearance may look bleak and/or unstable, it is finely built in such a manner and area which allow it to survive most if not all natural threats that would otherwise cause cataclysmic damage. If a design cannot meet stability then it could very well lead to disastrous results and even casualties among individuals.

It is crucial for the design of any structure to also pertain a certain meaning behind it's design without having to take away from it's purpose. The reasoning behind that is left for interpretation by those who witness such creations. What good is it if someone creates a jaw dropping building with the most lavish of looks but locates it in the most secluded and eerie of places? The importance of location is also essential in order to turn more heads in awe.

All things considered, I prefer cement, but don't pay heed to that for all materials have a certain trait to them which bestow a different meaning due to there weight, appearance or tone. We must gradually analyze all these things and take into consideration how our buildings will transcribe the message to the people based off how we go about it as designers. What will our structure portray? What will be the end goal? what purpose does it ultimately serve? Observation is key to distribution.


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